UCR is the Unified Carrier Registration program. Created by the Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005 (UCR Act - 49 United States Code (USC) section 14504a), it is a system for registering and collecting fees from the operators of vehicles engaged in interstate travel. It is a state administered program, but it is established under federal law. The fees charged under the UCR program are uniform across all the participating states and are set by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation upon the recommendation of the UCR Board, the governing body of the UCR program. Interstate motor carriers of nearly every type are subject to UCR, as are interstate transportation brokers and freight forwarders, and companies that lease or rent rolling stock to interstate carriers. Each entity subject to UCR is required to register annually with its base state and to pay an annual fee.
UCR Registration is based on fleet size and fees are graduated through a system of six brackets depending on the number of vehicles. Brokers and leasing companies that operate no vehicles themselves must still register under the UCR program at level that describes number of vehicles as 0-2. One annual registration applies to all vehicles that are registered under one USDOT number.
UCR fees are calculated from the total number of commercial motor vehicles operated by a carrier. A commercial motor vehicle is defined as one having a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 10,001 pounds or more; designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver; or transporting hazardous materials in quantities requiring the vehicle to be placarded.
The number of commercial motor vehicles for purposes of determining carrier UCR fees is the number of commercial motor vehicles the carrier reported in the most recent Form MCS-150 filed with the FMCSA.